Meet Amanda Marza: Wife, Mom, Veterinarian, Self Defense Advocate, & Norma Partner

With deep roots in the world of firearms, Amanda is no stranger to the intricacies of properly handling a gun.  Between raising her three little ones and providing care to animals, life does not slow down, but nothing stops her from creating time to train and refine her shooting skills. Her passion to educate both new and existing shooters makes us proud to call her a Norma partner.

Q: Where are you from originally? 

A: I am originally from Encinitas, California – and I spend most of days there with a few months of the year out in the outskirts of Cibola, Arizona.

Q: When and how did you first hear about Norma?

A: I used to be one of those shoppers that went into the ammo store and asked for the cheapest 9mm they had. That ammo was fine to start with given my budget and experience I had at the time, and better than experiences I’ve had since then with store brand 9mm reloads. But I eventually outgrew that ammo after having occasional extraction issues in my *stock* Glock 19 and VP9SK. Once I finally got my dream gun, an HK SP5, I knew I wanted to feed it something respectable that I could still afford to purchase in decent volume. After talking to ammo store clerk, and fact checking him on some online forums, I settled on a rather large order of 9mm 124 grain FMJ Norma ammo. I realized the price only came out to a fraction over my starter ammo but has proven reliable with perfect ejection patterns in everything from my finicky AR9 to my custom Glocks, so I’ve been keeping up my stockpile with the same ammo to stay consistent and organized and I haven’t looked back since.

Q: When did you become interested in shooting and why?

A: It always starts with family. My dad was always into guns, so I was always into guns. I started with paint balling back in high school with my boyfriend (now husband) and younger brother. Once we were old enough to buy our own guns, we got a pair of .22LR rifles and shot at a homemade wooden bullet traps in our backyards. After college, I was finally able to purchase my first AR-15 and haven’t stopped purchasing guns since! My passion has since evolved into something much greater for myself since those early days. Now I see it more of an expression of freedom and personal responsibility of safety than only a fun hobby or cool toy. But it has been a badge of honor that I now have the most impressive collection within the family!

Q: What is your favorite Norma product and why? 

A: Oh that is a tough one. I would have to go with the 7.62×39 124 grain Norma Tactical. I was testing the accuracy of my Galil Ace and was able to get ~1.6 MOA with a 10 round group at 100 yards using that ammo which I found unbelievable for the cartridge. Sure, it’s fun to shoot crappy steel cased ammo with mediocre jacked hollow points as the Russians intended for 7.62×39, but being able to stock defensive ammo with quality bullets for about as cheap as most range grade .223 is amazing, and probably makes it one of the best rifle ammo deals in terms of performance vs price on the market. It also makes for a much more enjoyable and cleaner experience than my steel cased Wolf ammo for minimal price increase of just 5 cents per round according to as of today. There’s very little competition to it in its price point, and it has been my go-to 7.62×39 ammo to stockpile long before I ever worked with Norma!

Q: What advice would you give to an anxious new shooter or someone interested in learning to shoot a firearm? 

A: You are responsible for your own safety, so spending the time and money on making sure you have the ability to protect yourself, your loved ones or even your country to a certain degree should be a priority. How to Shoot a Pistol in 10 Minutes and How to Shoot a Rifle in 10 Minutes videos on YouTube are extremely helpful tools as well before your first range day. Also, getting a group of friends together for a private lesson from a reputable firearm instructor is truly invaluable. Even if you do it just once.

Q: What are 3 fun facts about you outside of shooting that you want people to know about you? 

A: I’m a veterinarian, a mom of 3, and I think I’m quite impressive in the kitchen. Outside of family, food is definitely my passion – and sometimes wish I went to culinary school instead!

Q: What aspect of shooting sports are you most passionate about sharing with your audience? 

A: There is nothing more satisfying than shooting in the great outdoors with proper targets, a timer, and a plan. It’s worth the extra drive past your local indoor range to stretch both your legs and firearm. And don’t be afraid to ‘LARP’ around in a bunch of gear! Embrace the American tradition of freedom and preparedness. ​

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